Súmula de disciplina

Disciplina BMB5760
Metabolismo Celular e sua Regulação

Área de Concentração: 42137

Criação: 04/12/2002

Ativação: 11/12/2002

Nr. de Créditos: 5

Carga Horária:


(por semana)
(por semana)
(por semana)
5 semanas
75 horas

Docente responsável:  Rui Curi 


Analisar aspectos particulares da integração a nível celular dos ajustes metabólicos e hormonais do organismo. Abordagem teórico-prática desses ajustes em situações fisiológicas e patológicas particulares como trauma, câncer e exercício. Discutir mecanismos moleculares da ação hormonal sobre o controle da atividade de vias metabólicas. Discutir os mecanismos de ação dos próprios metabólitos sobre a expressão gênica. 


Entendemos que este curso será de extrema importância para a formação dos nossos alunos de pós-graduação e não há outra disciplina similar que possa preencher os objetivos propostos. 


AULAS TEÓRICAS: -Bioquímica celular e sua regulação. Aspectos particulares do metabolismo intermediário: carboidratos, lipídeos e proteinas. Metabolismo da glutamina e dos Ácidos Graxos. Mecanismos moleculares da ação dos metabólitos tais como dos ácidos graxos via PPAR. SEMINÁRIOS: Aspectos relacionados ao metabolismo celular e sua regulação. AULAS PRÁTICAS: Estudo do metabolismo celular e sua regulação. 


LIVROS DE CONHECIMENTOS BÁSICOS: Curi, R (2000). Glutamina - Metabolismo e Aplicações Clínicas e no Esporte. Sprint, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Curi, R.; Pompéia, C.; Miyasaka, C.K.; Procopio, J. (2002). Entendendo a Gordura - Os Ácidos Graxos. Manole, São
 Paulo, SP, Brasil. Newsholme, E. A. & Leech, A.R. (1983) Biochemistry for the Medical Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, London. Newsholme, E.A. &. Start, C. (1974) Regulation in Metabolism. John Wiley & Sons, London. Lehninger, A. (1982) Bioquímica. Vols. 1, 2, 3 e 4. Edgar Blucher Ltda, São Paulo. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS: Newsholme, E.A.; Newsholme, P.; Curi, R. ; Ardawi, M.S.M. A role for muscle in the immune system and its importance in surgery, trauma, sepsis and burns. Nutrition, 4:261-268, 1988. Curi, R.; Newsholme, P.; Newsholme, E.A. Metabolism of pyruvate by isolated rat mesenteric lymphocytes, lymphocyte mitochondria and isolated mouse macrophage. Biochem. J., 250:383-388, 1988. Curi, R. Metabolic and hormonal adaptations to diet restriction. Nutrition, 8:56-57, 1992. Serrano, M.A.R.; Curi, R.; Parry-Billings, M.; Williams, J.F.; Newsholme, E.A. Effects of glucocorticoids on lymphocyte metabolism. Am. J. Physiol., 264: E24-E28, 1993. Homem de Bittencourt Júnior, P.I.; Peres, C.M.; Yano, M.M.; Hirata, M.; Curi, R. Pyruvate is a lipid precursor for rat lymphocytes in culture. Evidence for a lipid exporting capacity. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 30:631-641, 1993. Lancha Júnior, A.H.; Recco, M.B.; Curi, R. Pyruvate carboxylase activity in the heart and skeletal muscles of the rat. Evidence for a stimulating effect of exercise. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 32: 483-489, 1994. Costa Rosa, L.F.B.P.; Safi, D.A.; Curi, R. Effect of thioglycollate and BCG stimuli on glucose and glutamine metabolism in rat macrophage. J. Leukoc. Biol., 56:10-14,1994. Homem de Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Yano, M.M.; Hirata, M.H.; Williams, J.F.; Curi, R. Evidence that prostaglandins modulate lipogenesis in cultured lymphocytes - A comparison with its effect on macrophages and tumor cells. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 33: 463-475, 1994.Fernandes, L.C.; Curi, R. Reversion of Walker 256 tumor cachexia by insulin treatment. Possible mechanism involved and perspectives for future research. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 4: 1-10, 1997. Pithon Curi, T.C.; Pires de Melo, M.; De Azevedo, R.; Zorn, T.M.T.; Curi, R. Glutamine utilization by rat neutrophils. Presence of phosphate-dependent glutaminase. Am. J. Physiol. 273: C1124-C1129, 1997. Peres, C.M.; Homem de Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Costa, M.; Curi, R.; Williams, J.F. Evidence for the transference in culture of [14C]-labelled fatty acids from macrophages to lymphocytes. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 43: 1137-1144, 1997. Homem de Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Curi, R. Transfer of cholesterol from macrophages to lymphocytes in culture. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 44: 347-362, 1998. Otton, R.; Graziola, F.; Hirata, M.H.; Curi, R.; John F. Williams. Dietary fats alter the activity and expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in rat lymphoid cells and tissues. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 46: 529-536, 1998. Bacis Ceddia, R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Bessa-Lima, F.; Curi, R. Leptin inhibits insulin stimulated incorporation of glucose into lipids and stimulates glucose decarboxylation in isolated rat adipocytes. J. Endocrinol., 158: R7-R9, 1998. Bacis Ceddia, R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Curi, R. Comparing effects of leptin and insulin on glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle: evidence for na effect of leptin on glucose uptake and decarboxylation. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord., 22: 01-08,1998. Curi, R.; Newsholme, P.; Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Pires-de-Melo, M.; Garcia, C.; Homem-de-Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Guimarães, A R.P. Metabolic fate of glutamine in lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., 32: 15-21, 1999. Newsholme, P.; Curi, R.; Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Murphy, C.J.; Garcia, C.; Pires-de-Melo, M. Glutamine metabolism by lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils. Its importance in health and disease. J. Nutr. Biochem., 10: 316-324, 1999. Garcia, C., Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Firmano, M.L.; De-Mello, M. P.; Newsholme, P.; Curi, R. Effect of adrenaline on glucose and glutamine metabolism and superoxide production by rat neutrophils. Clinical Sci., 96: 549-555, 1999. Bacis-Ceddia, R.; Lopes, G.; Souza, H.M.; Borba-Murad, G.R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Bazotte, R.B.; Curi, R. Acute effects of leptin on glucose metabolism of in situ rat perfused livers and isolated hepatocytes. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord., 23: 1207-1212, 1999. Peres, C.M.; Procópio, J.; Costa, M.; Curi, R. Thioglycollate stimulation modulates the incorporation and oxidation of fatty acids by rat macrophages. Lipids, 34: 1193-7, 1999. Nishiyama-Naruke, A; Curi, R. Phosphatidylcholine participates in the interaction between macrophages and lymphocytes.. Am. J. Physiol. 278:C554-60, 2000. Pompéia, C.; Lopes, L.R.; Miyasaka, C.K.; Procópio, J.; Sannomiya, P. and Curi, R. Effect of fatty acids on leukocyte function. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., 33: 1255-1268, 2000. Nishiyama, A.; Cavaglieri, C.R; Curi, R.; Calder, C.P. Arachidonic acid-containing phosphatidylcholine inhibits lymphocyte proliferation and decreases interleukin-2 and interferon-g production from concanavalin A-stimulated rat lymphocytes. Biochem. Biophis. Acta, 1487: 50-60, 2000. Bacis-Ceddia, R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Lima, F.B.; Flandin, P.; Curi, R.; Giacobino, J.P. Leptin stimulates uncoupling protein-2 mRNA expression and krebs cycle activity and inhibits lipid synthesis in isolated rat white adipocytes. Eur. J. Biochem., 267:5952-5958. 2000. Bacis-Ceddia, R.; William Jr., N.W.; Curi, R. The response of skeletal muscle to leptin. Front. Biosc., 6: 90-97, 2001. Freitas, J.J.S.; Pompéia, C.; Miyasaka, C.K.; Curi, R. Walker-256 tumor growth causes oxidative stress in rat brain. J. Neurochem., 77: 655-663, 2001. Sampaio, S.C.; Sousa-e-Silva, M.C.C.; Borelli, P.; Curi, R.; Cury, Y. Crotalus Durissus Terrificus snake venom regulates macrophage metabolism and function. J. Leukoc. Biol., 70: 551-558, 2001. Miyasaka, C.K.; Mendonça, J.R.; Nishiyama, A.; Alves-de-Souza, J.A.; Pires-de-Melo, M.; Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Curi, R. Comparative effects of fish oil given by gavage and fish-oil-enriched diet on leukocytes. Life Sci., 69: 1739-1751, 2001. Otton, R.; Mendonça, J.R.; Curi, R. Diabetes causes marked changes in lymphocyte metabolism. J. Endocrinol. 174: 55-61. 2002. Pithon-Curi, T. C.; Levada, A. C.; Lopes, L. R.; Doi, S. Q.; Curi, R. Glutamine plays a role for superoxide production and the expression of p47phox, p22phox, and gp91phox in rat neutrophils. Clinical Science. 2002 (in press). Newsholme, E.A.; Newsholme, P.; Curi, R. ; Ardawi, M.S.M. A role for muscle in the immune system and its importance in surgery, trauma, sepsis and burns. Nutrition, 4:261-268, 1988. Curi, R.; Newsholme, P.; Newsholme, E.A. Metabolism of pyruvate by isolated rat mesenteric lymphocytes, lymphocyte mitochondria and isolated mouse macrophage. Biochem. J., 250:383-388, 1988. Curi, R. Metabolic and hormonal adaptations to diet restriction. Nutrition, 8:56-57, 1992. Serrano, M.A.R.; Curi, R.; Parry-Billings, M.; Williams, J.F.; Newsholme, E.A. Effects of glucocorticoids on lymphocyte metabolism. Am. J. Physiol., 264: E24-E28, 1993. Homem de Bittencourt Júnior, P.I.; Peres, C.M.; Yano, M.M.; Hirata, M.; Curi, R. Pyruvate is a lipid precursor for rat lymphocytes in culture. Evidence for a lipid exporting capacity. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 30:631-641, 1993. Lancha Júnior, A.H.; Recco, M.B.; Curi, R. Pyruvate carboxylase activity in the heart and skeletal muscles of the rat. Evidence for a stimulating effect of exercise. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 32: 483-489, 1994. Costa Rosa, L.F.B.P.; Safi, D.A.; Curi, R. Effect of thioglycollate and BCG stimuli on glucose and glutamine metabolism in rat macrophage. J. Leukoc. Biol., 56:10-14,1994. Homem de Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Yano, M.M.; Hirata, M.H.; Williams, J.F.; Curi, R. Evidence that prostaglandins modulate lipogenesis in cultured lymphocytes - A comparison with its effect on macrophages and tumor cells. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 33: 463-475, 1994. Fernandes, L.C.; Curi, R. Reversion of Walker 256 tumor cachexia by insulin treatment. Possible mechanism involved and perspectives for future research. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 4: 1-10, 1997. Pithon Curi, T.C.; Pires de Melo, M.; De Azevedo, R.; Zorn, T.M.T.; Curi, R. Glutamine utilization by rat neutrophils. Presence of phosphate-dependent glutaminase. Am. J. Physiol. 273: C1124-C1129, 1997. Peres, C.M.; Homem de Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Costa, M.; Curi, R.; Williams, J.F. Evidence for the transference in culture of [14C]-labelled fatty acids from macrophages to lymphocytes. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 43: 1137-1144, 1997. Homem de Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Curi, R. Transfer of cholesterol from macrophages to lymphocytes in culture. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 44: 347-362, 1998. Otton, R.; Graziola, F.; Hirata, M.H.; Curi, R.; John F. Williams. Dietary fats alter the activity and expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in rat lymphoid cells and tissues. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 46: 529-536, 1998. Bacis Ceddia, R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Bessa-Lima, F.; Curi, R. Leptin inhibits insulin stimulated incorporation of glucose into lipids and stimulates glucose decarboxylation in isolated rat adipocytes. J. Endocrinol., 158: R7-R9, 1998. Bacis Ceddia, R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Curi, R. Comparing effects of leptin and insulin on glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle: evidence for na effect of leptin on glucose uptake and decarboxylation. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord., 22: 01-08,1998. Curi, R.; Newsholme, P.; Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Pires-de-Melo, M.; Garcia, C.; Homem-de-Bittencourt, Jr., P.I.; Guimarães, A R.P. Metabolic fate of glutamine in lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., 32: 15-21, 1999.Newsholme, P.; Curi, R.; Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Murphy, C.J.; Garcia, C.; Pires-de-Melo, M. Glutamine metabolism by lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils. Its importance in health and disease. J. Nutr. Biochem., 10: 316-324, 1999. Garcia, C., Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Firmano, M.L.; De-Mello, M. P.; Newsholme, P.; Curi, R. Effect of adrenaline on glucose and glutamine metabolism and superoxide production by rat neutrophils. Clinical Sci., 96: 549-555, 1999. Bacis-Ceddia, R.; Lopes, G.; Souza, H.M.; Borba-Murad, G.R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Bazotte, R.B.; Curi, R. Acute effects of leptin on glucose metabolism of in situ rat perfused livers and isolated hepatocytes. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord., 23: 1207-1212, 1999. Peres, C.M.; Procópio, J.; Costa, M.; Curi, R. Thioglycollate stimulation modulates the incorporation and oxidation of fatty acids by rat macrophages. Lipids, 34: 1193-7, 1999. Nishiyama-Naruke, A; Curi, R. Phosphatidylcholine participates in the interaction between macrophages and lymphocytes.. Am. J. Physiol. 278:C554-60, 2000. Pompéia, C.; Lopes, L.R.; Miyasaka, C.K.; Procópio, J.; Sannomiya, P. and Curi, R. Effect of fatty acids on leukocyte function. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., 33: 1255-1268, 2000. Nishiyama, A.; Cavaglieri, C.R; Curi, R.; Calder, C.P. Arachidonic acid-containing phosphatidylcholine inhibits lymphocyte proliferation and decreases interleukin-2 and interferon-g production from concanavalin A-stimulated rat lymphocytes. Biochem. Biophis. Acta, 1487: 50-60, 2000. Bacis-Ceddia, R.; William, Jr., W.N.; Lima, F.B.; Flandin, P.; Curi, R.; Giacobino, J.P. Leptin stimulates uncoupling protein-2 mRNA expression and krebs cycle activity and inhibits lipid synthesis in isolated rat white adipocytes. Eur. J. Biochem., 267:5952-5958. 2000. Bacis-Ceddia, R.; William Jr., N.W.; Curi, R. The response of skeletal muscle to leptin. Front. Biosc., 6: 90-97, 2001. Freitas, J.J.S.; Pompéia, C.; Miyasaka, C.K.; Curi, R. Walker-256 tumor growth causes oxidative stress in rat brain. J. Neurochem., 77: 655-663, 2001. Sampaio, S.C.; Sousa-e-Silva, M.C.C.; Borelli, P.; Curi, R.; Cury, Y. Crotalus Durissus Terrificus snake venom regulates macrophage metabolism and function. J. Leukoc. Biol., 70: 551-558, 2001. Miyasaka, C.K.; Mendonça, J.R.; Nishiyama, A.; Alves-de-Souza, J.A.; Pires-de-Melo, M.; Pithon-Curi, T.C.; Curi, R. Comparative effects of fish oil given by gavage and fish-oil-enriched diet on leukocytes. Life Sci., 69: 1739-1751, 2001. Otton, R.; Mendonça, J.R.; Curi, R. Diabetes causes marked changes in lymphocyte metabolism. J. Endocrinol. 174: 55-61. 2002. Pithon-Curi, T. C.; Levada, A. C.; Lopes, L. R.; Doi, S. Q.; Curi, R. Glutamine plays a role for superoxide production and the expression of p47phox, p22phox, and gp91phox in rat neutrophils. Clinical Science. 2002 (in press). Pithon-Curi, T. C.; Levada, A. C.; Lopes, L. R.; Doi, S. Q.; Curi, R. Glutamine plays a role for superoxide production and the expression of p47phox, p22phox, and gp91phox in rat neutrophils. Clinical Science. 2002 (in press). 
